Jay Cochrane, The Prince of the Air, the greatest skywalker EVER.
But in his words he say, “How I really want to be remembered… here’s a person who cared about children around the world and made a difference. That’s quite enough for me.”
This amazing DVD tells his life story, much of it in his own words, as he describes his greatest accomplishments in a life on the wire. From his earliest days learning the circus to his first skywalk, to the Yangtze River, to his 50th year performing on highwires, Jay Cochrane led a life in the clouds.
The DVD case includes a foldout of photographs from his amazing career, setting the stage for the DVD. It is an incredible look at one of the greatest performers to ever grace the skies.
And his lifelong ambition to help children with his performances never faltered. $10 of every sale will go to the Tender Wishes of Niagara Falls, Ontario.